• useOpenAction is a React Hook that allows to perform an Open Action on a publication.

    You MUST be authenticated via useLogin to use this hook.


    Returns UseDeferredTask<OpenActionAsyncResult, BroadcastingError | InsufficientAllowanceError | InsufficientFundsError | InsufficientGasError | PendingSigningRequestError | UserRejectedError | WalletConnectionError, OpenActionArgs>


    const { execute, error, loading } = useOpenAction({
    action: {
    kind: OpenActionKind.COLLECT,

    Collect a publication

    You can use the useOpenAction hook to collect a publication.

    const { execute, error, loading } = useOpenAction({
    action: {
    kind: OpenActionKind.COLLECT,

    const collect = async (publication: AnyPublication) => {
    const result = await execute({ publication });

    It supports seamlessly new collect Open Action modules as well as legacy collect modules.

    Failure scenarios

    You can handle possible failure scenarios by checking the result value.

    const collect = async (publication: AnyPublication) => {
    const result = await execute({ publication });

    if (result.isFailure()) {
    switch (result.error.name) {
    case 'BroadcastingError':
    console.log('There was an error broadcasting the transaction', error.message);

    case 'PendingSigningRequestError':
    'There is a pending signing request in your wallet. ' +
    'Approve it or discard it and try again.'

    case 'InsufficientAllowanceError':
    const requestedAmount = result.error.requestedAmount;
    'You must approve the contract to spend at least: '+
    `${requestedAmount.asset.symbol} ${requestedAmount.toSignificantDigits(6)}`

    case 'InsufficientFundsError':
    const requestedAmount = result.error.requestedAmount;
    'You do not have enough funds to pay for this collect fee: '+
    `${requestedAmount.asset.symbol} ${requestedAmount.toSignificantDigits(6)}`

    case 'WalletConnectionError':
    console.log('There was an error connecting to your wallet', error.message);

    case 'UserRejectedError':
    // the user decided to not sign, usually this is silently ignored by UIs

    Wait for completion

    You can always wait the operation to be fully processed and indexed by Lens API.

    const collect = async (publication: AnyPublication) => {
    const result = await execute({ publication });

    if (result.isFailure()) {
    // handle failure scenarios

    // this might take a while depending on the congestion of the network
    const completion = await result.value.waitForCompletion();

    if (completion.isFailure()) {
    console.log('There was an processing the transaction', completion.error.message);

    console.log('Open action executed successfully');

    Collect referrers

    When collecting a publication using the new SimpleCollectOpenAction or MultirecipientFeeCollectOpenAction you can specify a list of referrer Publication and/or Profile IDs.

    const { execute, error, loading } = useOpenAction({
    action: {
    kind: OpenActionKind.COLLECT,
    referrers: [

    The referrers will split the referral reward of any collect fee paid by the collector.

    Public collect

    You can use the useOpenAction hook to collect a publication with just a wallet. First make sure you logged-in via useLogin with just an EVM address.

    Then you can use the useOpenAction to collect a publication as mentioned above.

    Custom open action

    You can use the useOpenAction hook to execute a custom Open Action.

    You must know the address of the Open Action module and the data required to execute it.

    const { execute, error, loading } = useOpenAction({
    action: {
    kind: OpenActionKind.UNKNOWN,
    address: '0x...', // the address of the Open Action module
    data: '0x...', // any data needed to execute the Open Action

    const collect = async (publication: AnyPublication) => {
    const result = await execute({ publication });

    // ...

    Self-funded approach

    It just takes a single parameter to disable the sponsorship of the transaction gas costs.

    const collect = async (publication: AnyPublication) => {
    const result = await execute({
    sponsored: false,

    if (result.isFailure()) {
    switch (result.error.name) {
    case 'InsufficientGasError':
    console.log('You do not have enough funds to pay for the transaction gas cost.');

    // ...

    // ...

    In this example you can also see a new error type: InsufficientGasError. This error happens only with self-funded transactions and it means that the wallet does not have enough funds to pay for the transaction gas costs.

    Self-funded fallback

    If for some reason the Lens API cannot sponsor the transaction, the hook will fail with a BroadcastingError with one of the following reasons:

    In those cases you can retry the transaction as self-funded like in the following example:

    const collect = async (publication: AnyPublication) => {
    const sponsoredResult = await execute({ publication });

    if (sponsoredResult.isFailure()) {
    switch (sponsoredResult.error.name) {
    case 'BroadcastingError':
    if ([BroadcastingErrorReason.NOT_SPONSORED, BroadcastingErrorReason.RATE_LIMITED].includes(sponsoredResult.error.reason)) {

    const selfFundedResult = await execute({ publication, sponsored: false });

    // continue with selfFundedResult as in the previous example

    // ...

    In this example we omitted BroadcastingErrorReason.APP_NOT_ALLOWED as it's not normally a problem per-se. It just requires the app to apply for whitelisting. See https://docs.lens.xyz/docs/gasless-and-signless#whitelisting-your-app.

    You can still include it in your fallback logic if you want to. For example to unblock testing your app from a domain that is not the whitelisted one (e.g. localhost).