Request object for the mutation
Status of the transaction
Fetch claimable profiles result for currently authenticated wallet. Use it to know if the wallet can claim a new profile.
⚠️ Requires LensClient authenticated with a wallet only.
Create a new profile only. No handle is created.
⚠️ Only available in development environment.
Request object for the mutation
Status of the transaction
const result = await client.wallet.createProfile({
to: '0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890',
Create a new profile with a handle.
⚠️ Only available in development environment.
Request object for the mutation
Status of the transaction
const result = await client.wallet.createProfileWithHandle({
handle: 'handle',
to: '0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890',
Hide a profile that is managed but not owned.
⚠️ Requires authenticated LensClient.
Request object for the mutation
PromiseResult with void
await client.wallet.hideManagedProfile({
profileId: '0x01',
Fetch the last logged in profile for a wallet address.
Request object for the query
const result = await client.wallet.lastLoggedInProfile({
for: '0xa5653e88D9c352387deDdC79bcf99f0ada62e9c6',
Fetch all owned handles by a wallet address.
Request object for the query
Handles wrapped with PaginatedResult
const result = await client.wallet.ownedHandles({
for: '0xa5653e88D9c352387deDdC79bcf99f0ada62e9c6',
Fetch all profiles managed by a wallet address.
Request object for the query
Profiles wrapped with PaginatedResult
const result = await client.wallet.profilesManaged({
for: '0xa5653e88D9c352387deDdC79bcf99f0ada62e9c6',
Fetch the current sponsored transaction limits for the requested address and profile.
Request object for the query
Current rate limits
const result = await client.wallet.rateLimits({
userAddress: '0xa5653e88D9c352387deDdC79bcf99f0ada62e9c6',
Fetch user nonces.
⚠️ Requires authenticated LensClient.
PromiseResult with UserSigNoncesFragment
const result = await client.wallet.sigNonces();
Unhide a previously hidden profile that is managed but not owned.
⚠️ Requires authenticated LensClient.
Request object for the mutation
PromiseResult with void
await client.wallet.unhideManagedProfile({
profileId: '0x01',
Claim a profile. Use result of claimableProfiles query to claim a handle for a wallet.
⚠️ Requires LensClient authenticated with a wallet only.