• useLogin is React Hook that allows you to login with the Lens API.

    To login with a Lens Profile you need to provide the Profile Id and an EVM address.

    The address can be:

    • the EOA owner address
    • an authorized Profile Manager address for the given Profile
    • an EIP-1227 compliant smart wallet address (owner or authorized Profile Manager of the given Profile)

    Optionally you can login just with an EVM address. In this case the authenticated session returned by useSession will be of type SessionType.JustWallet type and will not contain any Profile information. The credentials associated with this session are limited to:

    See the respective hooks documentation for more information.

    Returns UseDeferredTask<Profile | null, LoginError, LoginRequest>


    const { execute, loading, data, error } = useLogin();

    Login with a profile Id

    const { execute, loading, data, error } = useLogin();

    const address = ...

    const login = (profileId: ProfileId) => {
    address: address,
    profileId: profileId,

    if (loading) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>;

    if (error) {
    return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;

    if (data) {
    return <div>Logged in as {data.profile.id}</div>;

    Login with a profile handle

    Combine with useLazyProfile to login with Profile handle

    const { execute: fetchProfile } = useLazyProfile();
    const { execute: login, loading, data, error } = useLogin();

    const address = ...

    const login = async (handle: string) => {
    const profileResult = await fetchProfile({ forHandle: handle });

    if (profileResult.isFailure()) {

    const profile = profileResult.value;

    const loginResult = execute({
    address: address,
    profileId: profile.id,

    if (loginResult.isFailure()) {

    // continue with successful login flow for example use
    // your routing library to redirect the user somewhere.

    // continue as before

    Login with just an EVM address

    const { execute, loading, data, error } = useLogin();

    const login = (address: string) => {
    const result = await execute({ address })

    Failure scenarios

    You can handle possible failure scenarios by checking the result object.

    const { execute, loading, data, error } = useLogin();

    const login = (profileId: ProfileId) => {
    const result = await execute({
    address: address,
    profileId: profileId,

    if (result.isFailure()) {
    switch (result.error.name) {
    case 'PendingSigningRequestError':
    'There is a pending signing request in your wallet. ' +
    'Approve it or discard it and try again.'

    case 'WalletConnectionError':
    console.log('There was an error connecting to your wallet', error.message);

    case 'UserRejectedError':
    // the user decided to not sign, usually this is silently ignored by UIs

    // ...