Add a reaction to a publication.
⚠️ Requires authenticated LensClient.
Request object for the mutation
PromiseResult with void
import { PublicationReactionType } from '@lens-protocol/client';
await client.publication.reactions.add({
for: '0x02-0x01',
reaction: PublicationReactionType.Upvote,
Fetch who reacted to a publication.
Request object for the query
Array of ProfileFragment wrapped in PaginatedResult
const result = await client.publication.reactions.fetch({
for: '0x01-0x02',
Remove a reaction from a publication. If the reaction does not exist, this will return an error.
⚠️ Requires authenticated LensClient.
Request object for the mutation
PromiseResult with void
import { PublicationReactionType } from '@lens-protocol/client';
await client.publication.reactions.remove({
for: '0x02-0x01',
reaction: PublicationReactionType.Upvote,
React to publications off-chain.