Module @lens-protocol/client - v2.3.2

Lens JavaScript SDK

The official framework-agnostic JavaScript SDK for Lens Protocol.

This package enables you to interact with the Lens API via a type safe interface that abstracts away some of the GraphQL intricacies.


Quick start

Install the Lens React Native SDK package using your package manager of choice:

Package Manager Command
npm npm install @lens-protocol/client@latest
yarn yarn add @lens-protocol/client@latest
pnpm pnpm add @lens-protocol/client@latest

Development configuration example:

import { LensClient, development } from '@lens-protocol/client';

const client = new LensClient({
environment: development,

Production configuration example:

import { LensClient, production } from '@lens-protocol/client';

const client = new LensClient({
environment: production,

In a browser-based implementation you can use the Web Storage API to persist authentication state.

const client = new LensClient({
environment: production,

storage: window.localStorage,

