• useApproveModule is a React Hook that allows to perform an ERC20 pre-approval for any Profile Follow modules requiring a fee, or any Publication Collect modules with a fee.


    Returns UseDeferredTask<void, InsufficientGasError | PendingSigningRequestError | TransactionError | UserRejectedError | WalletConnectionError, ApproveModuleArgs>


    const { execute, error, loading } = useApproveModule();

    A pre-approval does not touch the user's ERC20 but allows the module to withdraw the authorized amount at a later time with an additional transaction.

    In the case of Collect Open Action modules the additional transaction is the one performed via useOpenAction hook.

    In the case of Profile Follow modules the additional transaction is the one performed via useFollow hook.

    In both case the additional transaction can be user's signed or can be delegated to a Profile Manager (see useUpdateProfileManagers hook).

    Pre-approve a profile follow module

    Assuming you integrated the useFollow hook in your application, you might find that, in case of paid follows the result might fail with an InsufficientAllowanceError.

    const { execute: follow } = useFollow();

    const followProfile = async (profile: Profile) => {
    const result = await execute({ profile });

    if (result.isFailure()) {
    switch (result.error.name) {
    case 'InsufficientAllowanceError':
    // not enough allowance
    // pre-approve the module

    // others

    You can use the useApproveModule hook to pre-approve the module and, according to the desired UX, try again the follow operation.

    const { execute: approve } = useApproveModule();
    const { execute: follow } = useFollow();

    const approveFollowModuleFor = async (profile: Profile) => {
    const result = await approve({ on: profile });

    if (result.isFailure()) {

    // try again the follow operation
    return followProfile(profile);

    const followProfile = async (profile: Profile) => {
    const result = await follow({ profile });

    if (result.isFailure()) {
    switch (result.error.name) {
    case 'InsufficientAllowanceError':
    return approveFollowModuleFor(profile);

    // others

    // ...

    Pre-approve a publication collect module

    Similarly to the Profile Follow module, you can use the useApproveModule hook to pre-approve a Publication Collect module (legacy or Open Action based).

    const { execute: approve } = useApproveModule();
    const { execute: collect } = useOpenAction({
    action: {
    kind: OpenActionKind.COLLECT,

    const approveCollectModuleFor = async (publication: AnyPublication) => {
    const result = await approve({ on: publication });

    if (result.isFailure()) {

    // try again the collect operation
    return collectPublication(publication);

    const collectPublication = async (publication: AnyPublication) => {
    const result = collect({ publication });

    if (result.isFailure()) {
    switch (result.error.name) {
    case 'InsufficientAllowanceError':
    return approveCollectModuleFor(publication);

    // others

    // ...

    Failure scenarios

    Like many other SDK hooks there are some failure scenarios that you might want to handle.

    const { execute, error, loading } = useApproveModule();

    const approve = async (item: AnyPublication | Profile) => {
    const result = await execute({ on: publication });

    if (result.isFailure()) {
    switch (result.error.name) {
    case 'InsufficientGasError':
    console.log(`The user's wallet does not have enough MATIC to pay for the transaction`);

    case 'PendingSigningRequestError':
    'There is a pending signing request in your wallet. ' +
    'Approve it or discard it and try again.'

    case 'TransactionError':
    console.log('There was an processing the transaction', result.error.message);

    case 'WalletConnectionError':
    console.log('There was an error connecting to your wallet', result.error.message);

    case 'UserRejectedError':
    // the user decided to not sign, usually this is silently ignored by UIs

    // ...

    Infinite approval

    By default the useApproveModule hook will pre-approve the exact amount required.

    You can still pre-approve an infinite amount by passing the limit argument:

    const { execute, error, loading } = useApproveModule({
    limit: TokenAllowanceLimit.INFINITE