• Retrieves a paginated list of profiles, filtered according to specified criteria.

    Fetch profiles by handles

    const { data, loading, error } = useProfiles({
    where: {
    handles: ['lens/firstprofile'],

    Fetch profiles by ids

    const { data, loading, error } = useProfiles({
    where: {
    profileIds: [profileId('0x01'), profileId('0x02')],

    Fetch profiles by owner addresses

    const { data, loading, error } = useProfiles({
    where: {
    ownedBy: ['0xe3D871d389BF78c091E29deCe83200E9d6B2B0C2'],

    Fetch profiles who commented on a publication

    const { data, loading, error } = useProfiles({
    where: {
    whoCommentedOn: publicationId('0x1b-0x012b'),

    Fetch profiles who mirrored a publication

    const { data, loading, error } = useProfiles({
    where: {
    whoMirroredPublication: publicationId('0x1b-0x012b'),

    Fetch profiles who quoted a publication

    const { data, loading, error } = useProfiles({
    where: {
    whoQuotedPublication: publicationId('0x1b-0x012b'),


    Returns PaginatedReadResult<Profile[]>

  • Experimental

    Retrieves a paginated list of profiles, filtered according to specified criteria.

    This signature supports React Suspense.

    const { data } = useProfiles({
    where: { ... },
    suspense: true,

    This API can change without notice


    Returns SuspensePaginatedResult<Profile[]>