Broadcast a signed typed data for a Momoka transaction.
⚠️ Requires authenticated LensClient.
Request object for the mutation
PromiseResult with CreateMomokaPublicationResultFragment or RelayErrorFragment
const result = await client.transaction.broadcastOnMomoka({
signature: signedTypedData,
Broadcast a signed typed data for a gasless transaction onchain.
⚠️ Requires authenticated LensClient.
Request object for the mutation
PromiseResult with RelaySuccessFragment or RelayErrorFragment
const result = await client.transaction.broadcastOnchain({
signature: signedTypedData,
Use to see the size of relayers queue if there are delays in txs being submitted onchain.
The relay queues
const result = await client.transaction.relayQueues();
Get the status of a transaction.
Request object for the query
The transaction status
const result = await client.transaction.status({
forTxId: txId
Poll the transaction status until it has been completed.
Request object for the query
The transaction status
TransactionPollingError if the transaction is not completed within 60s
const result = await client.transaction.waitUntilComplete({
forTxId: txId
Broadcast signed typed data for a gasless transaction.
Typed data is a way to try to show the users what they are signing in a more readable format. You should only call transaction broadcast if you are using the typed data logic.