AppMetadataDetails: {
    description?: Markdown;
    developer: string;
    logo?: URI;
    name: string;
    platforms: Platform[];
    privacyPolicy?: URI;
    tagline?: string;
    termsOfService?: URI;
    url: URI;

Type declaration

  • Optional description?: Markdown

    An optional short and detailed description of the app, explaining its features and purpose.

  • developer: string

    The Developer of the app.

  • Optional logo?: URI

    The Logo icon for the app.

  • name: string

    The name of the app.

  • platforms: Platform[]

    The platforms supported by the app. Currently supports web, ios and android.

  • Optional privacyPolicy?: URI

    The privacy policy for the app.

  • Optional tagline?: string

    A memorable phrase to capture the essence of the app.

  • Optional termsOfService?: URI

    The terms of service for the app.

  • url: URI

    The url of the app.