Type alias AdvancedContractConditionDetails

AdvancedContractConditionDetails: {
    abi: string;
    comparison: ConditionComparisonOperator;
    contract: NetworkAddressDetails;
    functionName: string;
    params: string[];
    value: string;

Type declaration

  • abi: string

    The function ABI. Has to be in a human-readable string format, which you can convert using the ethers library. See here for more info https://docs.ethers.org/v5/api/utils/abi/formats/#abi-formats--human-readable-abi

  • comparison: ConditionComparisonOperator

    The comparison operator to use to compare the result of the function call. In case of integer outputs you can use any comparison operator. In case of boolean outputs, you can only use EQUAL and NOT_EQUAL.

  • contract: NetworkAddressDetails

    The contract information, including the chain id and the EVM address.

  • functionName: string

    The function name to call. Has to be exactly the same as in the ABI.

  • params: string[]

    The parameters to pass to the function. Has to be matching the arguments described in the ABI. In case of tuples and arrays, you have to pass the values as a stringified JSON array.

  • value: string

    The value to compare the result of the function call against. Can be a boolean or a BigNumber in string format.